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  • What is SUPE?
    The University Graduate School is an educational pathway of excellence, parallel to the courses of study at the University of Udine that offers specialized, cross-curricular study as well as cultural stimulation. Take a look here!

  • How is the teaching organized?
    The School's teaching activities are integrated with the courses of study of the University of Udine going to build two distinct but complementary educational paths. The educational offerings are divided into disciplinary courses divided into humanities and science classes, and interdisciplinary paths that aim at cross-curricular and participatory learning. Want to learn more about it? Take a look here!

  • What does the School offer?
    The School offers numerous benefits! Take a look here!

  • To enroll in closed-numbered degree programs, is it necessary to take the relevant admission tests in addition to the Graduate School competition?
    As per the Announcement, there are two cases: one for degree programs with closed number imposed by law (nationwide scheduling) and one for degree programs with locally established access limitations (locally established scheduling). For more details, see Article 1 of the Notice of Competition.

    First case: nationally scheduled degree programs (Primary Education Sciences, Architectural Sciences, Medicine and Surgery). In this case, participation in the competition for admission to the School is not a substitute for the national competition for admission to the degree program. The candidate must take both the competition to enter the degree program and the competition to enter the Graduate School.
    Second case: locally programmed degree programs (e.g. Biotechnology). In this case, the eligibility obtained in the competition for admission to the School has the value of passing the assessment tests. Passing the School admission competition leads to supernumerary enrollment in locally scheduled courses. However, candidates are strongly advised to also register for competitions related to access to the degree program in which they want to enroll (the candidate may not pass the School admission test, in which case in order to enroll in the degree program with restricted access at the local level, he or she must necessarily have taken and passed the relevant admission test).

  • Is it necessary to matriculate at the University of Udine before taking the competition for admission to the Graduate School?
    In any case, matriculation at the University of Udine is a prerequisite for admission to the School should you pass the competition. However, it is possible to matriculate before or after the School admission tests, depending on the requirements for the chosen Degree Course. In any case, students must adhere to what is stated on the relevant Study Manifesto. In particular, students who wish to enroll in closed-numbered courses (see above) and who must therefore pass the required admission tests, must pre-enroll by following the procedures indicated in the respective Manifestos.
    Any first instalment of fees already paid for matriculation will be refunded to the winners admitted to attend the School, according to the terms of the competition announcement.

  • Can foreign students compete?
    Yes, provided they have the qualifications to enroll in a degree program in Italy.